
What Every Man Should Know About Vasectomies

Half a million men in the U.S. undergo a vasectomy each year, and it has now become the most commonly performed urological procedure. By comparison, though three times more women undergo permanent contraception. With tubal ligation comes more health risks for the female because it is a more invasive procedure. In addition, It is much more costly, and it requires a longer recovery time. What’s wrong with this picture?

It’s time to clear up some myths about vasectomy and provide some factual information that every man should know.

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Easy Ways To Prevent Kidney Stones

If you or a loved one has ever passed a kidney stone, we don’t have to tell you how painful it is, or how helpless you feel. If it’s a first-time event, you can be frightened out of your mind wondering what could be causing this horrible pain.

Sadly, if you have one case, you are more susceptible to others. If they become recurring, you will do almost anything to prevent them.

Here are some easy ways to prevent kidney stones.

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The Best Foods For Prostate Health

The prostate gland is an integral part of the male reproductive system. About the size of a walnut, it continues to change and grow during a man’s lifetime. Maintaining prostate health should be of maximum importance to all men if they want to lead a long and healthy life.

Let’s look at three medical issues that can arise as a result of the prostate gland, and some recommendations for the best foods for prostate health.

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Prostate Cancer Screenings May Reduce Mortality Risk

Prostate cancer screenings are an important part of men’s healthcare needs. A prostate cancer screening can detect any growths and abnormal tissues in the prostate gland. Since prostate cancer can spread to other areas of the body, early detection is key. A new group of studies shows that these screenings may help reduce mortality risk.

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Prostate Cancer Rates are Rising in Young Men

Prostate cancer is often thought of as something that only older men have to worry about, but that isn’t necessarily the case. According to recent research, the number of young men diagnosed with prostate cancer has increased 600% in the last 20 years. Of the estimated 241,000 Americans that will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, approximately 10 percent will be early onset. Not only is prostate cancer being found in younger men, it is often more aggressive.

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Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Vasectomy

For some men, permanent birth control is the best option to guarantee that they will not have any more children. However as the name explains, permanent birth control is, well, permanent. In very few cases are these procedures reversible. Before you make the decision to go with a permanent option, you will want to ask your doctor all of the right questions. Be sure you know everything you need to about the procedure before you make a decision.

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Kidney Cancer in Men

Kidney cancer, also referred to as renal cell carcinoma (RCC), is among the top 10 cancers found in men. About 40,000 new cases are reported each year, with a majority of them being in men over 40, who fall into the high-risk category. The good news is that there’s a very high survival rate, so it’s important to look for the warning signs to diagnose the disease early. 

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